Frequent thunderstorm weather, farmers should provide their own generator to prevent power failure!

2021-08-06 打印
     There is a frequent thunderstorm every year, which is actually a test for aquaculture farmers, especially for sudden power failure caused by force majeure. So, do farmers do a good job of "self-help" measures? For the aquaculture industry, some fish, shrimp and crabs are highly dependent on aerators, especially those with high density. In case of sudden power failure, if there is no standby generator set in the fish pond, it is easy to cause fish death. For power consumption places (such as fish pond breeding, livestock breeding, hatchery, etc.) that are prone to loss due to power failure, sufficient reliable self provided power supply or other effective measures shall be taken to ensure that they can be put into operation immediately in case of power supply interruption.
      Electric power is the lifeblood of almost all aquaculture households. Because of the particularity of fish pond culture, the requirement of power supply reliability is higher than that of ordinary users. The electrical equipment of fish pond culture must maintain uninterrupted power supply. The generator set shall be installed as the standby power supply of the power grid, and the reliable locking device between the self provided generator set and the power grid shall be ensured. At the same time, sufficient reserve of oxygen enhancer and oxygen cylinder shall be purchased to ensure emergency use in case of power grid blackout and generator unit failure.