What conditions should the storage, installation and use location of diesel generator set meet?

2021-06-15 打印
The storage, installation and use location of diesel generator set shall meet the following conditions:

1. The machine room is spacious and bright, well ventilated, low humidity, and the ambient temperature is less than 40 ℃;

2. Good lighting equipment shall be provided for night work, and protective cover shall be provided for outdoor use to avoid rain and sun exposure;

3. The environment should be clean, and articles that produce acid, alkaline and other corrosive gases should not be placed around;

4. The exhaust pipe of diesel engine should be unblocked and try to avoid too long pipe or sudden turning. When the exhaust pipe is connected to the outdoor, the outer pipe should be tilted down a little to make the condensed water flow out of the pipe;

5. If the diesel generator set is not fixed on the foundation, the rubber plate can be padded under the chassis to reduce the vibration;

6. During the installation of diesel generator set, the following points should be done:

1) The foundation shall be made of concrete, but the foundation shall not be connected with the building foundation. The distance between the building wall and the unit shall not be less than 1.5m;

2) During installation, the levelness shall be measured with a level ruler to ensure that the unit is fixed on the basis of horizontal position;

3) For personal safety, the generator and switch panel must be grounded separately, and the area of the ground wire shall not be less than the sectional area of the generator output line. The ground wire can be connected to the underground water pipe or the steel plate buried deep underground to ensure good grounding, and the grounding resistance shall not be greater than 50 ohm;

4) The open cooling unit must be equipped with another cooling water pipeline to ensure sufficient cooling water supply;

5) In order to reduce the environmental noise, external silencing device can be connected;

6) After installation, the different centrality of the generator shaft to the main shaft of the diesel engine should generally be less than 0.15 mm, and the runout of the generator shaft to the flywheel end face should generally be less than 0.5/400;

7) The battery should be connected according to the starting and charging circuit diagram in the diesel engine maintenance instructions.