How to run multiple diesel generator sets in parallel?

2021-08-14 打印
Automatic generator set parallel machine (combined), equipped with synchronous control, load distribution module and automatic switch, the whole cabinet combined device has advanced performance, easy to use and maintenance and other characteristics. In the case that multiple diesel generator sets supply power to the load at the same time, in order to ensure the reliability of the power grid, the economy must be equipped with a combined cabinet.

Combined cabinet has the following advantages: 1. Improve the reliability and continuity of the power supply system. Because multiple units are connected into a power grid, the voltage and frequency of power supply are stable, and it can withstand the impact of large load changes. 2, maintenance, maintenance more convenient multiple units in parallel use, can centralized scheduling, distribution of active power load and reactive power load, can make maintenance, maintenance convenient and timely. 3, more economic can be according to the size of the load on the network, the appropriate number of small power Cummins generator set, in order to reduce the high power unit small load operation of fuel, oil waste. 4, the future expansion is more flexible, only need to install the power generation and parallel equipment required now, in the future when the company needs to expand the capacity of the grid, then add the generator set, and can easily realize the expansion of the parallel machine, so that the initial investment is more economic.

Requirements and conditions for parallel operation:

1, electronic speed regulating type generator set; The same phase sequence; Equal voltage; Same frequency; The phase is the same. Automatic parallel screen: the most practical automation system. It has all the functions of a manual parallel screen. When the switch selector is placed in the "automatic" position, the automatic synchronizer can automatically adjust the frequency and phase of the unit to be parallel, and output the closing signal when synchronizing to realize automatic parallel. Built-in programmable controller can automatically control load balancing, load demand and dispatch of unit operation to ensure reliable operation of power grid. When the mains fails, it can automatically start the generator set, automatically parallel, and monitor the various faults of the parallel system.

Main characteristics of multiple generator sets in parallel:

1, manual/automatic parallel mode selection.

2, synchronization and parallel machine is accurate, no impact, and the parallel machine time is short (not more than 3 seconds).

3, according to the load needs to be parallel unit automatic parallel or disassembly, so that the operation is more economical.

4. When multiple units work in parallel, the difference of load distribution is less than 5% to ensure the reliability of unit operation.

5, with the unit self-start control module, can realize the mains fault automatic start and input, automatic parallel; Automatic disassembly and shutdown after mains restoration. 6, with reverse power, over current, short circuit, mechanical failure, mains floating charger fault indication and protection function.

7, can be used together with the ATS cabinet, after the mains, the unit automatically delay cutting, the load to the mains terminal; When the mains fails, the unit starts automatically and the load is transferred to the generator. In these conversions, mains power always takes precedence.

4. Configure cabinets

1, the cabinet is generally the international electrical standard cabinet size, can also be processed according to user requirements.

2. Number of incoming line cabinets: 1 / unit. 3, all indicators on the cabinet, all control relays, transfer switches, potentiometers are imported or domestic quality products, the protection level of the cabinet in line with IP22 standards. 4, parallel control module: electronic speed control module, synchronization module, load distribution module, interface card, etc. 5, parameter display: current, voltage, frequency, power, power factor table

6, circuit breaker: according to user requirements with appropriate specifications of fast closing universal air circuit breaker.