Briefly describe the use of diesel generator set

2021-08-17 打印
Diesel generator set is a kind of power generation equipment, diesel generator set in hospitals, hotels, hotels, real estate and other industries are also expanding the application scope. Here are four main uses of diesel generator sets to share with you.

First, self-provided power supply: some power consumption units have no network power supply, such as islands far from the mainland, remote pastoral areas, rural areas, desert plateau barracks, workstations, radar stations, etc., it is necessary to configure self-provided power supply. The so-called self-provided power supply is the self-used power supply. In the case of not too much power generation, the diesel generator set is often the first choice for self-provided power supply.

Two, standby power supply: standby power supply is also called emergency power supply, the main purpose is that although some power units have a more reliable network power supply, but in order to prevent accidents, such as circuit failure or temporary power failure, still configure their own power supply for emergency generation use. It can be seen that the backup power supply is actually a kind of self-provided power supply, but it is not used as the main power supply, but only in emergency situations as a relief means to use.

Third, alternative power supply. The role of alternative power sources is to make up for the lack of network power supply. There may be two situations. One is that the price of network electricity is too high, and the diesel generator set is chosen as an alternative power source from the perspective of cost saving. The other is that in the case of insufficient supply of network power, the use of network power is limited, the power supply department has to pull power everywhere, at this time, the electricity unit in order to normal production and work, it is necessary to replace the power supply to relief.

Four, mobile power supply: mobile power supply is no fixed use place, and is transferred everywhere the use of power generation facilities. Diesel generator set is the first choice for mobile power because of its portability and flexibility. Mobile power is generally designed in the form of power vehicles, there are self-powered vehicles, there are trailer power vehicles.