Do you know the common sense of these diesel generator sets?

2021-10-08 打印
Generator set (English Name: generators set) is a complete set of mechanical equipment that converts other forms of energy into electric energy. It is composed of power system, control system, silencing system, damping system and exhaust system. It is driven by water turbine, steam turbine, diesel engine or other power machinery to convert water flow, air flow The energy generated by fuel combustion or nuclear fission is converted into mechanical energy and transmitted to the generator, which is then converted into electrical energy and output to electrical equipment for use. Generators are widely used in industrial and agricultural production, national defense, science and technology and daily life. In recent years, with the progress of technology, as a high-quality choice of household emergency power supply and field travel power supply, light-weight portable small generator sets have also begun to enter residents' daily life.

Generator sets can be divided into three categories according to different contents:

1. According to the fuel, it is divided into: fuel oil generator set, gas generator set and steam turbine generator set: (1) fuel oil generator set is mainly divided into: diesel generator set, gasoline generator set, heavy oil generator set, etc; (2) Gas generator sets are mainly divided into: natural gas generator set, biogas generator set, gas generator set, etc; (3) Steam turbine generator units are mainly divided into condensing steam turbine units, heating steam turbine units, back pressure steam turbine units, etc.

2. According to the structure, it is mainly divided into fixed generator set and mobile generator set: (1) fixed generator set is mainly divided into open frame unit, rain proof unit, silent unit, container unit, etc. (2) Mobile generator sets are mainly divided into: hand push units, trailer units, lighthouse units, vehicle mounted units, etc.

3. According to the brand, it is mainly divided into: domestic generator set brand and imported generator set brand: (1) domestic generator set brands are well-known: Weichai Power, CNPC jichai, kangmler generator, etc; (2) Famous brands of imported units include caterpillar, Kohler, Siemens, etc.

Here we introduce the diesel generator set in detail.

A power supply equipment that uses diesel engine as prime mover and drives synchronous generator to generate electricity. It is a power generation device with rapid start, convenient operation and maintenance, less investment and strong adaptability to the environment. Diesel generator set is a kind of power generation equipment with diesel as the main fuel. It is a mechanical equipment that uses diesel engine as the driving force to drive generator (i.e. electric ball) to generate electricity and convert kinetic energy into electric energy and heat energy. The whole set of diesel generator set is mainly divided into three parts: 1. Diesel engine. 2. Generator (i.e. electric ball). 3. Controller.

In detail, it is composed of base, diesel engine, base oil tank, generator set (i.e. electric ball), controller (which plays the role of control and protection of the unit), radiator (air cooling: fan; water cooling: water tank), quiet speaker and other components. According to the different needs of different places, we divide the generator set into fixed and movable trailers. In order to reduce the noise emitted by the generator set and reduce the impact on people's work and life, designers have designed the generator set with static sound box, that is, a metal box is installed outside the generator set with sound-absorbing materials attached inside, Thus, the generator set is protected around, and doors are set on both sides of the box, so as to facilitate people's maintenance and control of the generator set. The static speaker not only reduces the noise emitted by the generator set, but also can be placed outdoors. The box is like a house. It is sunscreen and rainproof, so that people can save the trouble of having no place to be a computer room. Diesel generator set is divided into common generator set and standby generator set, and the power is also divided into common power and standby power accordingly. The standard common power of each generator set is generally 80% of the standby power. According to different needs, the State Grid shall be used at ordinary times. If it is necessary due to power failure, please use the standby diesel generator set; If you need to operate for a long time, please select the common diesel generator set. If you maintain it regularly, the common diesel generator set can operate for more than 300 days a year. The relationship between common power and standby power is: for example, users need 100kW diesel generator set, and the common power of standby 100kW diesel generator set is 100kW * 80% = 80kW. That is, the common power of the standby 100kW diesel generator set is 80kW. If the diesel generator set is equipped with a sound box, the power of the generator set will decrease, generally by about 10%. Therefore, when the user purchases the diesel generator set, the power reduction of the sound box should be considered

Power calibration: diesel generator set is composed of diesel engine and synchronous alternator. The maximum allowable power of diesel engine is limited by the mechanical load and thermal load of parts, so it is necessary to specify the maximum allowable power for continuous operation, which is called rated power;

The diesel engine shall not be used beyond the rated power, otherwise its service life will be shortened and even accidents may be caused. (1) Rated power of diesel engine; According to the national standard, the rated power on the diesel engine nameplate is divided into the following four categories; 1) 15min power: that is, the maximum power that the diesel engine is allowed to operate for 15min. Overload operation may occur in a short time and the rated power with acceleration performance is required, such as the rated power of diesel engines such as automobiles and motorcycles. 2) 1H power: that is, the maximum effective power of the diesel engine allowed to operate continuously for 1H. The rated power of diesel engines such as wheeled tractors, locomotives and ships. 3) 12h power: that is, the maximum effective power of the diesel engine allowed to operate continuously for 12h, that is, the rated power we often say. Such as the rated power of diesel engines for power station units and construction machinery. 4) Continuous power: that is, the maximum power that the diesel engine can operate continuously for a long time.

In order to facilitate production management and use, the national standard gb2819 makes unified provisions on the model preparation method of diesel generator sets. The model arrangement and symbol meaning of the unit are as follows: 1. The rated power (kw) output by the unit is expressed in numbers. 2. Type of unit output current: G - AC power frequency; P - AC intermediate frequency; S - AC dual frequency; Z - DC. 3. Type of unit: F - onshore; FC - Marine; Q - automobile power station; T-trailer. 4. Control characteristics of the unit: the absence is manual (ordinary type); Z - automation; S-low noise; SZ - low noise automation. 5. Design serial number, expressed in numbers. 6. Variant code, expressed in numbers.

Environmental characteristics: the vacancy is ordinary; Th - wet tropical type. (Note: some diesel generator sets have different meanings from the above models, especially the imported or jointly produced diesel generator sets are determined by the unit manufacturer.)

Main purpose of diesel generator set: diesel generator set is a small and medium-sized power generation equipment. It has the advantages of flexibility, less investment and convenient start-up. It is widely used in various departments such as communication, mining, road construction, forest area, farmland irrigation, field construction and national defense engineering. Diesel generator set is also an AC power supply equipment in self provided power station. Diesel generator set is suitable for occasions where the municipal power grid cannot be transmitted to Communication Bureau stations, mining areas, forest areas, pastoral areas and national defense projects. It is required to supply power independently as the main power supply for power and lighting. For areas with municipal power supply, units that require high reliability of power supply, do not allow power failure and can quickly restore power supply within a few seconds, such as important departments such as communication, bank, hotel and airport, can be used as emergency standby power supply, and can quickly provide stable AC power supply in case of municipal power failure. The main requirements for diesel generator set are that it can automatically start power generation at any time, operate reliably, ensure the voltage and frequency of power supply, and meet the requirements of electromechanical equipment.