Don't be afraid if the engine is weak. Don't worry about learning these

2021-11-12 打印
Failure of fuel supply system will cause some effects, such as insufficient oil supply, poor spray quality, influence of fuel injection advance angle, inflating volume, sealing of working medium, poor temperature and so on, all of which will cause fuel supply system failure, resulting in engine powerless.

There is also the influence of engine resistance. If the engine assembly is too tight and the oil is too thick, it will cause excessive engine resistance. In addition to overcoming its own friction and auxiliary device resistance, the power generated by the engine reduces the effective power output, that is, the engine is weak.

Diagnose according to the analyzed causes and fault phenomena:

1. If the engine starts with less exhaust and is difficult to start, the reason is insufficient fuel supply in the fuel system, diagnosis and troubleshooting shall be carried out according to the faults described in the fuel system.

2. If the engine starts smoothly, but the exhaust pipe emits black smoke, and the engine speed is not easy to increase. The main reason is that there is too little air entering the cylinder. Check the air filter of the intake part and eliminate it.

3. If the engine overheats, most of them are caused by too late injection time, which is the fault cause of engine weakness and should be adjusted.

4. If the exhaust pipe of the engine emits blue and white smoke, it indicates that the weakness of the engine is caused by cylinder blow by, which shall be handled.

5. Check engine resistance

Use the turning tool to turn the engine flywheel. If it feels more laborious than other diesel engines of the same type or in normal use, it indicates that the resistance of the diesel engine is too large. If the diesel engine has just been repaired, it is mostly caused by too tight assembly, so it should be run in or reassembled.