These seven diesel generator starting modes are the most harmful to the equipment

2021-12-21 打印
The startup of diesel generator is the first step of equipment operation. The most common 7 startup modes of generator set are wrong and easy to cause equipment damage. Let's learn about the specific contents.

1. Start without water or sudden addition of boiling water. If there is no cooling water after the diesel generator is started, the temperature of cylinder assembly, cylinder head, engine body and other parts will rise sharply. Refilling cooling water at this time will cause the hot cylinder liner, cylinder head and other important parts to burst or deform due to sudden cooling. However, if boiling water of about 100 ℃ is suddenly added to the ice cooled engine body before starting, the cylinder head will also crack Machine body, cylinder liner and other parts shall be added when the water temperature drops to 60-70 ℃.

2. Increase the throttle to start. Do not open the oil filler door when the generator is started. Generally, the accelerator can be placed at the idle position. However, in order to make the diesel generator start quickly, many people suddenly increase the throttle before or during the start-up. The disadvantages of this method are: ① waste fuel. Excess diesel oil will wash the cylinder wall, worsen the lubrication between piston, piston ring and cylinder liner and aggravate wear; The residual oil flowing into the oil pan will dilute the engine oil and reduce the lubrication effect; Excessive diesel combustion in the cylinder will not completely form carbon deposition. ② After the diesel engine is started with a large throttle, the speed may increase rapidly, which will cause great damage to the moving parts (increasing wear or causing cylinder pulling and other faults).

3. Strong cold Trailer start. Forced Trailer starting of diesel generator set in cold state and high oil viscosity will aggravate the wear between moving parts of diesel engine and reduce the service life of diesel engine.

4. Ignition start at intake pipe. If the diesel generator is started by ignition at the intake pipe, the ash and hard sundries produced by material combustion will be sucked into the cylinder, which is easy to cause the intake and exhaust valves to be closed loosely and the cylinder to be damaged.

5. Use glow plugs or flame preheaters for a long time. The heating element of the glow plug or flame preheater is an electric heating wire, which consumes a lot of power and heat. If it is used for a long time, it can damage the battery due to rapid discharge and burn out the electric heating wire at the same time. Therefore, the continuous use time of the glow plug shall not exceed 1min, and the continuous use time of the flame preheater shall be controlled within 30s.

6. Add oil directly to the cylinder. Adding the oil into the cylinder can seal, pressurize and increase the temperature, which is convenient for the cold start of the generator, but the oil can not burn completely, which is easy to produce carbon deposition, weaken the elasticity of the piston ring and reduce the sealing performance of the cylinder. In addition, it will also accelerate the wear of cylinder liner, resulting in the decrease of generator power, making it more difficult to start, so the oil cannot be directly added to the cylinder.

7. Fill gasoline directly into the intake pipe. Gasoline has a lower ignition point than diesel and burns before diesel. Therefore, filling gasoline directly into the intake pipe will make the diesel generator work rough and produce a strong cylinder knocking phenomenon. In serious cases, the diesel engine can also reverse.