How to use the most fuel-efficient diesel generator set?

2022-03-11 打印
1. Do not overload operation

The overload operation of the small horse and cart type turns a considerable part of diesel into black smoke, which does not play its effective energy, increases fuel consumption and shortens the service life of relevant parts.

2. Pay attention to diesel purification

After the oil tank is used for a period of time, some minerals or impurities will precipitate at the bottom of the tank, which should be removed or purified regularly. Otherwise, it will have a great impact on the normal operation of the plunger and fuel injection head, which is easy to cause inaccurate oil supply time, uneven oil supply, poor oil atomization, etc., resulting in increased fuel consumption and reduced power.

3. Maintain a certain water temperature

The cooling water temperature of the diesel engine is maintained at about 45-65c. If the water temperature is too low, it will cause incomplete combustion of diesel and increase the load of the machine itself. It is better to use mineral free "soft water" (such as distilled water and rainwater) for cooling water, and it is not suitable to abuse sewage and muddy water.

4. Remove carbon deposits on time

During the operation of diesel engine, due to the high temperature of relevant components in the combustion process, the ash carbon polymer is attached to the valve, valve seat, fuel injection nozzle, piston top, etc. if it is not cleaned in time, it will increase fuel consumption and seriously affect the normal operation of the engine. Generally, it is best to remove it once every 4-6 months.

5. Regular inspection and maintenance

We must have the concept of "nurturing is more important than governance, prevention is more important than repair". Pay attention to careful maintenance and repair, regularly check and adjust valve clearance, injection pressure, oil supply time, etc., and timely eliminate the scale and dirt of the cooling water jacket. Some machine parts, such as valves and fuel injection nozzles, should be repaired and replaced when they need to be repaired. Important parts and components should always be in good condition. It is forbidden to work with "disease". At the same time, agricultural machinery operators should also explore a set of general troubleshooting methods for power machines in the use process in practice, so as to avoid the occurrence of helplessness and powerlessness in case of emergency.