How can diesel generator set save more fuel?

2022-04-01 打印

1、 Maintain the best oil supply angle to ensure that the machine does not leak oil.

When excessive oil consumption is found, first check whether there is oil leakage at the connections between the machine body and the gear chamber cover, the large plate, rear cover and cover on the side of the traveling wheel. In case of oil leakage, pay attention to observe whether the sealing gasket at each connecting part is complete, and replace the damaged sealing gasket. If the sealing gasket is complete, check whether the connecting screws at each part are loose.

Use a wrench to tighten the loose bolts to the specified torque. If the above parts are basically normal and the oil leakage is at the frame position, the oil shell shall be inspected. The main inspection part is at the front end of the oil shell side on the same side as the traveling wheel. The oil leakage is caused by the long-term friction between the traveling wheel and the frame angle iron protecting the oil shell under the pull of the triangular belt.

2、 Clean the oil before use and pay attention to the daily maintenance of the engine.

The normal wear caused by the long-term use of the engine or the abnormal wear caused by improper maintenance will cause longitudinal pull marks on the cylinder liner of the diesel generator, and the cylinder diameter and piston side clearance exceed the specified value, which will reduce the supporting force of the piston ring and cause unclean oil scraping.

Or because the inner support torsion spring in the oil ring is disconnected at the opening of the oil ring, resulting in unclean oil scraping and participation in combustion, resulting in serious oil consumption symptoms, such as difficult starting of the diesel engine, obvious blue smoke from the exhaust pipe and serious oil injection of the respirator.

Moreover, the side of the piston that should be upward forms an inverted state of the combustion chamber due to the inverted direction during assembly. Although it will not affect the starting of the diesel engine, the loss of engine oil will be quite serious, and the fuel consumption is about 0.5kg per day.

Although it is rare that the valve guide is seriously worn and will burn the oil of diesel generator set, it is also a reason that can not be ignored according to the introduction of relevant data.

III Improve the cooling water temperature of diesel generator set and operate the generator set more reasonably.

Try to make the fuel of the diesel generator set burn fully, that is, the use power of the diesel generator set reaches 80% of the output power of the generator set. Control the fuel injection pump to ensure that the fuel supply of the fuel injection pump is not too large. Control the oil in the governor to prevent the increase of oil supply, otherwise it will lead to "flying" of the generator set.

In addition, great attention should be paid to the smoke phenomenon of the generator set. If the generator set emits Twilight smoke or black smoke, it indicates that the diesel generator set works abnormally and must be checked and handled in time. Only when the diesel generator set is in the best working state, can the purpose of fuel saving of the generator set be achieved, so as to reduce the use cost and environmental pollution.