Operating points of diesel generator set

2022-06-07 打印
Diesel generator set is an efficient power supply equipment composed of diesel engine, cooling water tank, generator, chassis, control box and fuel tank. Diesel generator sets are widely used in mines, railways, field construction sites, road traffic maintenance, electric power, factories, post offices, residential areas, buildings, schools, enterprises, hospitals and other departments as backup power supplies because of their small size, flexibility, portability, complete supporting facilities and easy operation and maintenance. As an old power generation equipment manufacturer, Raines has accumulated rich experience in operating diesel generator sets. Let's share it with you.

1. running in of diesel engine

New or overhauled diesel engines can be put into full load operation after 60H running in before formal use. In order to improve the working condition of the moving parts of the diesel engine, and improve the reliability and service life of the diesel generator set. The specific running in scheme shall be considered according to the different purposes and towing modes of the diesel engine. In principle, the speed and load of the diesel engine shall be gradually increased with the increase of running in time. In the whole running in period, the load shall be 50%-80% of the rated power for 12h, and the speed shall not be greater than 80% of the rated speed. However, at the beginning of running in, the running time should not be too long under idling or too small load.

Whenever the cylinder liner, piston, piston ring, connecting rod bearing bush and crank are replaced, the short-term running in shall also be properly carried out according to the above running in conditions.

2. normal use of diesel

After the diesel generator set is put into normal use, the indicated values of all instruments and the operation dynamics of the whole machine shall be observed frequently; Regularly check the liquid level of the cooling system and lubricating oil of each part. If it is found that it does not meet the specified requirements or there is damage or leakage, it shall be supplemented immediately or the cause shall be checked and eliminated.

During operation, especially in case of sudden load reduction, attention shall be paid to prevent sudden increase of diesel engine speed (commonly known as runaway) beyond the specified value due to governor failure. In case of such a situation, emergency measures shall be taken quickly, and then the cause shall be found out.

3. power matching between diesel engine and working machinery

When selecting a diesel engine, the user shall not only consider the power required by the supporting working machinery, but also consider the load rate of the working machinery, such as intermittent use or continuous use. At the same time, the operating economy of the working machinery should be considered, that is, the working characteristics of the load and the characteristics of the diesel engine must be reasonably distributed. Therefore, the correct calibration of the diesel engine power and the reasonable matching of the diesel engine and the working mechanical characteristics are the premise to ensure the reliable, long-life and economic operation of the diesel engine. Otherwise, the diesel engine may run overload and produce unnecessary faults; Or the load power is too small, and the diesel engine power can not be fully used, which is uneconomical and has the disadvantages of oil channeling.

4. use of diesel engine in plateau area

The use of diesel engines in plateau areas is different from that in plain areas, which brings some changes to the performance and use of diesel engines. The following points are for the reference of users using diesel engines in plateau areas.

1) Due to the low air pressure, thin air and small oxygen content in plateau areas, especially for naturally aspirated diesel engines, the combustion conditions become worse due to insufficient air intake, so that the diesel engines cannot produce the original specified rated power. Even though the basic structure of diesel engines is the same, the rated power of each type of diesel engine is different, so their ability in plateau is different. For example, the rated power of 6135q-1 diesel engine is 161.8kw/2200r/min. Due to the large rated power and small performance margin, the power will be reduced by about 12% for every 1000m increase in plateau use. Therefore, the fuel supply should be appropriately reduced according to the local altitude for long-term use in plateau. Although the combustion process of 6135k-11 diesel engine is the same, the rated power is only 117.7kw/2200r/min, so there is enough margin in performance, so the diesel engine itself has a certain plateau working capacity.

Considering the tendency of ignition delay under plateau conditions, it is generally recommended that the fuel supply advance angle of naturally aspirated diesel engine should be properly advanced in order to improve the operation economy of diesel engine.

As the sea level rises, the power performance decreases and the exhaust temperature rises, users should also consider the plateau working capacity of the diesel engine when selecting the diesel engine and strictly avoid overload operation.

According to the test results in recent years, exhaust gas turbocharging can be used as power compensation for diesel engines used in plateau areas. Exhaust gas turbocharging can not only make up for the lack of plateau power, but also improve smoke color, restore power performance and reduce fuel consumption.

2) With the increase of altitude, the ambient temperature is also lower than that in plain areas. Generally, the ambient temperature drops by about 0.6 ℃ every 1000m. In addition, due to the thin plateau air, the starting performance of the diesel engine is worse than that in plain areas. The user shall take auxiliary starting measures corresponding to low temperature starting when using.

3) As the sea level rises, the boiling point of water decreases, the wind pressure and cooling air quality of cooling air decrease, and the heat per kilowatt in unit time increases. Therefore, the heat dissipation condition of the cooling system is worse than that of the plain. Generally, open cooling cycle is not suitable for high altitude areas, and pressurized closed cooling system can be used to improve the boiling point of the coolant when it is used at high altitude.

The standardized operation of diesel generator set can enable the equipment to achieve efficient power supply and play its due role. It is hoped that the training of diesel generator set operators will be listed as a necessary content, and the training review and summary will be carried out regularly.