Maintenance measures for outdoor generator set after rain

2022-10-08 打印
The generator set used outdoors will often encounter rainy weather. If no protective measures are taken, the generator set will be easily exposed to rain. If it is not repaired and cared in time, it will soon be rusted, corroded and damaged. Proper maintenance methods can be selected according to the extent of the unit being exposed to rain. Raines summarized the Maintenance Measures for Outdoor Generator Sets after Rain to help customers solve problems.

1. Wash the diesel engine surface with water to remove dirt and sundries, and then remove the oil stain on the surface with metal cleaner or washing powder.

2. Support one end of the diesel engine so that the oil drain part of the oil pan is at the lowest position. Unscrew the oil drain plug and pull out the oil dipstick so that the water in the oil pan will flow out automatically. When the oil is just about to be drained, let the oil and water drain out a part together and then screw the oil drain plug.

3. Remove the air filter of the generator set, remove the upper shell of the filter, take out the filter element and other components, remove the water in the filter, and clean all parts with metal cleaner or diesel oil. If the filter is made of plastic foam, wash it with washing powder or soapy water (gasoline is not allowed), rinse it with clean water, dry it in the air, and then soak it with a proper amount of engine oil (squeeze it with your hands after soaking). Oil immersion shall also be carried out when installing new filter pieces. The filter element is made of paper and should be replaced with a new one. After all parts of the filter are cleaned and dried, install them as required.

4. Remove the intake and exhaust pipes and muffler, and drain the internal water. Open the pressure reducer and rotate the diesel engine to see if there is water discharging from the inlet and exhaust ports. If there is water discharging, continue to rotate the crankshaft until the water in the cylinder is completely drained. Install the air inlet, exhaust pipe and muffler, add a little engine oil at the air inlet, rotate the crankshaft for several cycles, and then install the air filter. If the flywheel is difficult to rotate due to the long time of water ingress into the diesel engine, it indicates that the cylinder liner and piston ring have been rusted. Remove the rust and clean them before assembly. If the rust is serious, replace them in time.

5. Remove the oil tank and drain all the oil and water in it. Check whether there is water in the diesel filter and oil pipe. If there is water, drain it. Clean the oil tank and diesel filter, then replace them, connect the oil circuit, and add clean diesel into the oil tank.

6. Discharge the sewage in the water tank and waterway, clean the waterway, add clean river water or boiled well water until the water float rises. Open the throttle switch and start the diesel engine. After the diesel engine is started, pay attention to the lifting of the oil indicator and listen to the diesel engine for abnormal noise. After checking whether all parts are normal, run in the diesel engine. The running in sequence is first at idle speed, then at medium speed, and then at high speed. The running time is 5min respectively. Stop the machine and drain the oil after running in. Add new engine oil again, start the diesel engine, run it at a moderate speed for 5min, and then it can be used normally.