Power on! rush to repair! Torrential rain hit, Henan electric power people rushed forward

2021-07-24 打印
On July 20, Henan province suffered extreme heavy rainfall, and the daily rainfall of several national meteorological observation stations in Zhengzhou exceeded the historical extreme value since the meteorological records. According to the relevant provisions of the national emergency plan for flood control and drought relief, the national flood control headquarters decided to upgrade the flood control level III emergency response to level II at 3:00 on July 21.

Henan power supply department launched level I flood control emergency response and made full response

Heavy rainfall brings severe tests to the operation of power grid, equipment safety and power supply in Henan Province. In the face of sudden major flood, State Grid Henan electric power company urgently launched level I flood control emergency response and fully entered the wartime mechanism. At present, State Grid Henan electric power has organized 6874 power maintenance personnel, 615 vehicles, 80 generator vehicles and 184 generators to fully carry out emergency repair and key power maintenance.

At 5 a.m., the ICU of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zheng Dayi has restored power supply, the team members are still sticking to the site, and the on-site repair is still continuing.

Orange rainstorm warning continues to be issued

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue an orange rainstorm warning at 06:00 on July 21.

It is estimated that from 08:00 on July 21 to 08:00 on July 22, there will be heavy rain to heavy rain in some areas of central and Northern Henan, central and Southern Hebei, Eastern Shanxi, coastal areas of central and western Guangdong, Southeast Guangxi, Northwest Hainan Island and southern Yunnan, among which there will be heavy rain (250 ~ 280 mm) in Northern Henan and Southern Hebei, Some of the above areas are accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall (the maximum hourly rainfall is 30 ~ 50mm, which can exceed 70mm locally), and there are thunderstorm, gale and other strong convective weather locally.

At present, the precipitation is still large and the road ponding is serious, which has brought some difficulties to our emergency repair work, so I'm sorry we can't give you an accurate recovery time. At present, our power workers have been trying to protect our Zhengzhou Power Grid and the light of Zhengzhou. Some friends may have to endure the inconvenience caused by power failure. Please believe your feelings and we feel it! We are also fighting for the bright future of this city. I hope you can understand and support us. Let's tide over the difficulties together and let the night sky in Zhengzhou restore its former brilliance!

Heavy rainfall, everyone pay attention to power safety!

State Grid Zhengzhou power supply company calls for:

1. For some residential properties with underground power distribution facilities, flood prevention preparations shall be made in advance to prevent rainwater from affecting the safety of power supply equipment in flood season.

2. During heavy rain, please stay away from high-voltage lines, street lamps, poles, trees and other live equipment and towering objects to prevent electric leakage and lightning damage.

3. If you encounter power problems, please call 68806880 local service hotline.

Source: People's network, State Grid Zhengzhou Power Supply Company