Knocking on the blackboard: roof fall, water seepage, fire, gas explosion... Knowledge points of self rescue and mutual rescue in coal mines!!

2021-09-19 打印
Roof fall, water seepage, fire, gas explosion... Knowledge points of self rescue and mutual rescue in coal mines

When coal mine accidents occur, how to save themselves and each other in mine accidents is very important. This paper gives a comprehensive introduction to the emergency handling knowledge in coal mine accidents.

It is not enough for each underground personnel to only know how to prevent and eliminate accidents. They must also know and master skillfully how to correctly and quickly carry out self rescue and mutual rescue, so that they and other personnel can get out of danger safely.

Self rescue is a method for each staff member in the disaster area or the area affected by the disaster to avoid disaster and protect themselves in case of accidental disaster underground. Mutual rescue is a method to rescue the injured in the disaster area on the basis of effective self rescue. In order to achieve the purpose of self rescue and mutual rescue of miners, each underground staff must be familiar with and master the disaster prevention of the mine, skillfully use the self rescuer, master the omen, nature, characteristics and disaster avoidance methods of various disasters and accidents, the basic methods of rescuing the injured in the disaster area, and learn the most basic on-site first-aid operation technology.

The leaders of each coal mine should train all coal mine staff in this regard in a planned way. If they can't skillfully master the operation skills of self rescue, mutual rescue and on-site first aid, they can't be regarded as a qualified miner and are not allowed to work in the well.

Basic principles of self rescue and mutual rescue

(1) Rapid evacuation from the disaster area: in case of major disaster and accident, the disaster area does not have the conditions for accident rescue, or the rescue personnel may endanger their own safety during the rescue of the accident, they shall evacuate the site quickly to a safe place or to a well.

(2) Timely report the disaster: in the early stage of the disaster accident, the on-site operators shall try to understand and judge the nature, location and degree of the accident. While actively and safely eliminating or controlling the accident, they shall timely report the disaster to the mine dispatching room and quickly send an alarm to the personnel in the area where the accident may affect.

(3) Actively eliminate disasters: take active and effective measures and methods on the premise of ensuring their own safety by making use of the site conditions, timely put into on-site rescue, eliminate the accident in the initial stage or control it within the minimum range, and minimize the losses caused by the accident. When rescuing personnel, we should achieve "three first and three later" (i.e "Rescue the survivors first, and then the dead; rescue the seriously injured first, and then the lightly injured; for the injured workers who are suffocated or whose heart beats, breathing stops soon, bleeding and fractures, first relax, stop bleeding and fix, and then carry").

(4) Proper and safe disaster avoidance: when the disaster avoidance route is blocked due to roof fall, ponding, fire or harmful gas, and the on-site operators cannot retreat, or the self rescuer cannot reach a safe place within the effective working time, they shall quickly enter the refuge chamber and a safer place in the disaster area, or quickly construct a temporary refuge chamber nearby for self rescue and mutual rescue Be good at avoiding disasters safely, strive to maintain and improve their own living conditions, and wait for rescue.

Rescue and treatment of mine roof fall accident

1. General principles

(1) After the mine roof fall accident, the main task of the mine rescue team is to rescue the people in distress and restore ventilation.

(2) Before handling the roof fall accident, the mine rescue team shall understand the cause of the accident, roof characteristics in the roof fall area, personnel distribution position before the accident, gas concentration, etc. from the cadres and workers working in the area near the accident, check the surrounding supports and roof conditions on the spot, and reinforce the nearby supports if necessary to ensure the safety and smoothness of the exit road.

(3) When rescuing personnel, they can listen to the return sound by shouting and knocking, or use sound receiving and radio wave receiving homing devices to judge the location of the people in distress, keep in touch with the people in distress and encourage them to cooperate with the rescue work. For the blocked personnel, they should dig alleys, bypass through the caving area or use the light support of mine rescue under the condition of supporting the roof The plane crossed the caving area and approached them.

(4) In the process of handling the roof fall accident, the mine rescue team shall always have a specially assigned person to check the gas and observe the roof conditions. If any abnormality is found, the personnel shall be evacuated immediately.

(5) When clearing the blockage, use tools carefully to prevent hurting the people in distress; when large gangue, wooden column, metal mesh, iron frame, iron column and other objects press people, use jacks, hydraulic jacks, hydraulic scissors and other tools to deal with them. Never pick people or break rocks by pickaxe planing, hammer smashing and other methods.

(6) The rescued personnel in distress shall be kept warm with blankets and transported to a safe place for trauma examination. First aid treatment such as oxygen delivery, artificial respiration, hemostasis and bandage shall be carried out on site. The critically wounded shall be sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible. For the personnel trapped underground for a long time, do not shine lights on their eyes, and the diet shall be determined by the doctor.

2. Methods of rescuing people in distress

(1) When the roof falls in a small range, if the victims are pressed by large pieces of gangue, Jack, crowbar and other tools can be used to jack up the large pieces of rock and rescue people quickly.

(2) When the roof falls along the coal wall, the gangue is relatively broken, and the victims are close to the coal wall, small holes can be dug along the coal wall, temporary supports can be erected to maintain the roof, and holes can be dug while supporting until the victims are rescued.

(3) If the location of the victims is close to the caving area, the victims can be rescued by digging a small hole along the direction of the caving area, erecting a temporary support, back helping and back roof, or digging a hole while supporting with the front exploration shed.

(4) The caving range is small, the degree of gangue is small, it is relatively broken, and it continues to fall, and the gangue scrapes a little and leaks some. In this case, when dealing with roof caving and rescuing personnel, the wedge collision method can be used to control the roof.

(5) In case of an accident in the working face of layered mining, the floor is a coal seam. When the victims are located under the metal mesh or Jingba false roof, they can dig a small hole along the floor coal seam, support and dig a hole while approaching the victims, and rescue them; if the floor is rock and the victims are located under the metal mesh or Jingba false roof, they can dig a small hole along the coal wall to find and rescue the victims.

(6) The caving range is very large. When the victims are located in the middle of the caving face, they can be treated by digging a small hole and hitting a wedge. When it is unsafe for a long time, they can also be treated by digging another cutting hole and supporting while driving.

(7) If both ends of the working face fall and people are blocked in the working face and cannot pass through by digging a small hole and hitting a wedge, another roadway can be excavated to bypass the falling area or dangerous area to rescue the victims.

3. Treatment method of roof fall accident

(1) Treatment of local small roof fall. The scope of roof fall in the mining face is small, the roof is not solid, and the roof gangue has temporarily stopped falling. This kind of local small roof fall is relatively easy to deal with. Generally, it is treated by cutting out the beam nest, exploring the girder, and using a single leg shed or hanging the metal roof beam.

(2) Local roof fall has a large range of treatment. One is false roof fall, and the direct roof does not fall, which is generally treated by beam detection from both ends of the roof fall to the middle; the other is direct roof fall, and the falling area keeps flowing and crushing gangue along the gap of the coal wall, which is generally treated by wedging.

(3) Treatment of large roof fall. There are basically two methods to deal with large roof fall of working face in gently inclined thin coal seam and medium thick coal seam, especially medium thick coal seam. One is the method to restore the working face; the other is the method to dig another cut hole or partially dig another cut hole.

Rescue and treatment of mine fire accident

1. Rescue principles for mine fire accidents

When handling mine fire accidents, the following basic technical principles shall be followed:

Control the spread of smoke without endangering the safety of underground personnel;

Prevent the expansion of fire;

Prevent gas and coal dust explosion and hazards caused by wind flow reversal caused by fire and wind pressure;

Ensure the safety of disaster relief personnel and facilitate the rescue of people in distress;

Create favorable fire fighting conditions.

2. Common extinguishing methods for underground fire

(1) Direct fire extinguishing method: use water, inert gas, high foam, dry powder, sand (rock powder), etc. to directly extinguish the mine fire near or at a certain distance from the fire source.

(2) Isolation method for fire extinguishing. Isolation fire extinguishing is to build a firewall in all tunnels leading to the fire area, block all air flow, stop air supply, and make the mine fire extinguish gradually by itself.

(3) Comprehensive fire extinguishing method: firstly, close the fire area with a closed wall. After the fire area is partially extinguished and the temperature is reduced, take measures to control the fire area, and then open the closed wall to put out the fire with direct fire extinguishing method: first close the fire area in a large area; after the fire is weakened, lock the air and gradually reduce the scope of the fire area; then put out the fire directly.

Key points of self rescue in gas and coal dust explosion

In case of gas and coal dust explosion, the staff at the site and nearby roadway must not panic. When they hear the explosion sound and feel the air vibration and air wave caused by the shock wave, they should quickly lie down with their back towards the direction of the explosion shock wave, face down and lower their head. In places with ditches, it is best to lie in the ditch on their side, face towards the ditch wall on the side of the ditch, and then quickly use wet towels Cover your mouth and nose. At the same time, put on a self rescuer as quickly as possible, tighten your clothes and cover the exposed parts to prevent high-temperature burns caused by explosion. At the moment of hearing the explosion, you'd better try your best to hold your breath to prevent inhalation of toxic high-temperature gas from burning your internal organs.

Now that the accident has occurred, don't be too nervous, calm down, think of your location and roadway name, quickly identify the direction, and rush to the fresh air flow direction as soon as possible according to the disaster avoidance route. When withdrawing, pay attention to the roadway air flow direction at any time and walk against the fresh air flow.

Making good use of the self rescuer is the main link of self rescue. After wearing the self rescuer, it must not be easily removed to absorb external gas to avoid being poisoned by harmful gas. It must be removed until it is in a safe place.

Rescue measures for personnel poisoned by harmful gas underground

For the victims of harmful gas poisoning, immediately lift the victims to the roadway or ground with fresh air flow, and take first-aid measures according to the poisoning situation.

1. Carbon monoxide poisoning.

Carbon monoxide poisoning is characterized by shallow and rapid breathing. When unconscious, there are red spots on the cheeks and body, and the lips are peach red. The poisoned wounded can be given artificial respiration or oxygen with a hematoxylin device. 5% ~ 7% carbon dioxide can be infiltrated during oxygen delivery to excite the respiratory center and promote the recovery of ventilator energy.

2. Hydrogen sulfide poisoning.

In addition to artificial respiration or Susheng oxygen delivery, cotton balls and handkerchiefs soaked in chlorine aqueous solution can be put into the mouth. Chlorine is a good detoxification of hydrogen sulfide.

3. Sulfur dioxide poisoning.

As sulfur dioxide generates sulfuric acid in contact with water, which has a strong stimulating effect on the respiratory system and may burn in severe cases, in addition to artificial respiration or Susheng oxygen delivery, the poisoned wounded should be given milk, honey or gargle with soda solution to reduce the stimulation.

4. Nitrogen dioxide poisoning.

The most prominent symptoms of nitrogen dioxide poisoning are fingertips, yellow hair, cough, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. When nitrogen dioxide poisoning occurs, the wounded will have pulmonary edema, so artificial respiration cannot be used. If Susheng must be used, carbon dioxide cannot be mixed in pure oxygen to avoid stimulating the wounded's lungs. It is best to enable the wounded to breathe when Susheng is supplied with oxygen Perform spontaneous breathing.

5. Carbon dioxide and gas suffocation.

In addition to artificial respiration and Susheng oxygen delivery, the wounded with suspended death caused by carbon dioxide and gas suffocation should also rub their skin or smell ammonia to promote breathing.

Key points and procedures of self rescue for mine water seepage

Report to the dispatching room immediately if any sign of water seepage is found. If the situation is urgent and water seepage is about to occur, an alarm must be given immediately, and decisive measures must be taken quickly to prevent water seepage and well flooding, and all personnel threatened by water damage shall be evacuated in time.

Attention shall be paid to self rescue after water disaster:

(1) When evacuating, obey the order and do not panic. Pay attention to walking high and exit the well along the predetermined disaster avoidance route.

(2) When the staff located below the permeable point encounter strong water potential and high water head during evacuation, they should try their best to hold their breath, grab the pipeline and other objects with their hands to prevent choking and drowning, bravely break through the water head, and quickly withdraw to a safe place with the help of roadway wall and other objects.

(3) When the exit road has been blocked by water and cannot be evacuated, choose the place with the highest terrain and closest to the shaft or main roadway, or go up the mountain single head roadway for temporary refuge. The personnel blocked in the mountain single head roadway should be prepared for being blocked for a long time, use miner's lamps and food sparingly, beat metal appliances regularly and send out distress signals. At the same time, we should carry forward the spirit of unity and mutual assistance God, work together to overcome difficulties, and firmly believe that the superior will make every effort to rescue, so that we can get out of danger safely. We should lie still in hunger, reduce consumption, drink water and prolong life, and wait for rescue.

(4) If the seepage comes from the accumulated water in the old air and kiln, because a large amount of toxic gas will gush out at the same time, everyone should quickly wear a self rescuer or cover his mouth and nose with a wet towel to prevent poisoning or suffocation.

(5) When passing through the sluice gate during evacuation, the last person shall close the sluice gate immediately after evacuation. The pump driver shall not leave his post until he receives the evacuation order from the disaster relief headquarters.

Source: Shanxi Coal Geological Engineering Association