Unity and cooperation to stimulate innovation and vitality in the field of power distribution

2021-09-28 打印
In daily life, the distribution system is easy to be ignored. Electrical equipment is hidden in inconspicuous metal boxes and substations, and transmission lines are either laid under the streets or set up in the air, which people often can't see or remember. Therefore, unless there is a power outage or other failure, it is difficult to remember that the distribution system is one of the key factors in this electrified world.

Just like countless tiny blood vessels in the human body that deliver oxygen and nutrients to key organs, the power distribution system connects energy producers, power grids, energy consumers and producers and marketers with energy production capacity through a network of power distribution products and solutions. Before most people realize this, the distribution system has been quietly operating.
However, the operation mechanism of distribution system is undergoing a change. In the traditional sense, power is produced and distributed centrally, and the main power stations supply power through the power grid. But now, the way of generating and using electricity is becoming more decentralized and driven by special software, in part to better meet the challenges we face in our efforts to achieve net zero emissions.

Find inspiration

If a two-way, decentralized energy network is the key to driving the future, we need to find the motivation and inspiration to realize these great innovative technologies. This means that we should not be content with the status quo, establish new partnerships and draw inspiration from the most enlightening things.

I have found that contact with nature reminds me of the importance of creating more sustainable ways of generating and distributing electricity. Outdoor activities such as skiing and cycling make us better coexist with nature and may even inspire us to create solutions to protect the earth.

Once we find the power to improve the world, we should apply it to the most important area of energy transformation. In order to realize distributed distribution, we need to use the innovative AC / DC hybrid microgrid to improve energy storage technology, help producers and sellers generate electricity by themselves, and realize digital transformation through Internet of things technology within the scope of existing infrastructure.

AC / DC switching is realized through hybrid innovative technology

The emergence of AC / DC hybrid microgrid has calmed a century long current dispute and provided the most ideal AC / DC distribution solution for future homes, offices, data centers and electric vehicles. Since solar photovoltaic applications generate electricity in the form of DC, we will see that the DC technology using renewable energy to power the distributed distribution system will enter a rapid development stage.

Therefore, electrical engineers need to master new tools and skills to adapt to the future development of power distribution field. This is no longer a question of applying AC or DC, but how we can achieve the best synergy between the two currents - that is, in the energy system, we can use the AC provided by wind farms or even new micro nuclear reactors, but also adopt DC solutions to produce and sell our own electricity through the efficient use of solar power in local communities and commercial buildings. Because electric cars, electric bicycles, laptops and other items that rely on batteries are powered by DC. It can be predicted that the load driven by DC will increase.

In the field of AC / DC hybrid power supply, the sharing and innovation of professional knowledge of industry experts is the key to lead us to achieve the goal of net zero.

Promote the transformation of energy consumers into producers and marketers through energy storage solutions

Another key breakthrough to solve this problem is energy storage. In fact, the electric vehicles around us are driven by high-capacity battery packs. As more and more renewable energy will come from producers and sellers in distributed networks, it will become crucial to use energy storage technology efficiently for future use or share with peers through microgrid. Due to power demand and renewable power production, there will inevitably be peaks and valleys. For example, according to the variation of sunshine in different periods of the day, the production of electric energy will be different. We need to use batteries to store the electric energy generated during the peak period for use in case of insufficient electric energy production.

By innovating technologies, optimizing energy storage schemes and effectively improving their capacity and efficiency, we can empower a new generation of producers and marketers, so that they can not only control their own energy production and consumption demand, but also actively make use of the latest decentralized distribution technology to contribute to a wider local energy network.

IOT interworking wisdom upgrade

Innovations in hybrid current and energy storage make the distribution field more efficient and decentralized, and Internet of things solutions can make our infrastructure more intelligent and flexible. By introducing the open Internet of things architecture and new wireless hardware, we can create a more flexible and sustainable digital distribution system.

For enterprises, consumers, especially the earth where we live together, the benefits brought by the Internet of things are immeasurable. Using Internet of things data to optimize the process means that the system can operate more efficiently and effectively reduce the downtime caused by equipment power failure, which is not only expensive, but even extremely dangerous. With leading innovative solutions for the Internet of things, we have been able to build a more interconnected and reliable distribution network.

Lighting up a new era of intelligent power distribution with innovation

With a variety of distribution solutions, we can achieve a more sustainable future driven by smart and clean electricity. But during this period, we need to do our best and innovate constantly. We need to work together to find the best way to generate and supply electricity. At the same time, we need to have effective dialogue and interaction to stimulate innovative inspiration, so as to help realize a better new world of digitization and electrification.

Source: international energy network by Andrea Donadel