National Development and Reform Commission: resolutely ensure that power is not switched off and that power is not limited to civil use

2021-10-22 打印
In order to thoroughly implement general secretary Xi Jinping's spirit of important instructions for protecting the masses for the warm winter, we should implement the deployment requirements of Premier Li Keqiang at the executive meeting of the State Council and the national energy committee meeting, and the important instructions of Deputy Prime Minister Han Zheng in the forenoon meeting on energy conservation and the morning of October 19th to the development and Reform Commission. In the afternoon of October 19th, Responsible comrades of the national development and Reform Commission presided over a symposium on ensuring supply and price stability of key coal, electricity, oil and gas transportation enterprises, and studied and arranged various key work for the people to warm up for the winter. Relevant responsible comrades of key enterprises such as State Railway Group, PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC, state pipe network corporation, State Grid, China Southern Power Grid, Huaneng, Datang, Huadian, state power investment, China Resources, national energy and China Coal attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that in accordance with the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, all relevant parties have vigorously and orderly promoted the implementation of energy supply and price stability, and phased results have been achieved. Since the end of September, a batch of production coal mines have been approved, and the daily average output has increased by more than 1.2 million tons compared with September. The daily output on October 18 has exceeded 11.6 million tons, a new high this year. At present, the national unified dispatching power plant has nearly 88 million tons of coal, which can be used for 16 days, an increase of more than 9 million tons over the beginning of the month; Among them, the three power plants in Northeast China can store coal for 24 days, an increase of 11 days over the beginning of the month.

On the basis of the signed annual medium and long-term contracts, power generation and heating enterprises and coal enterprises have signed another 150 million tons of medium and long-term contracts. The contract signing rate in most provinces has reached or close to 100%. The coal source of medium and long-term contract coal gap in some provinces has been implemented and the signing is being stepped up. At the same time, the market-oriented reform of on grid electricity price for coal-fired power generation has been further deepened. Recently, the transaction price of new markets in Jiangsu, Shandong, Hubei and Shanxi has risen by nearly 20% according to the price policy.

The meeting put forward clear requirements for the next step of ensuring supply and price stability:

First, further release coal production capacity. On the basis of the increased production capacity, another batch of coal production capacity will be released through various ways, such as tapping the potential of the increased production capacity of coal mines, basically completing the coal mines, accelerating the joint test run, stopping the production of coal mines, speeding up the resumption of work and production, and allowing the coal mines to release the emergency reserve capacity.

Second, steadily increase coal production. In the fourth quarter, all coal mines shall organize production safely and reasonably according to full load on the premise of ensuring safety. All localities shall maintain normal production of coal mines during holidays and major activities. It is strictly prohibited to shut down coal mines at will. It is strictly prohibited to "cut across the board" regional shutdown of coal mines due to accidents in individual coal mines, so as to ensure that the coal mines can produce as much as possible under safe conditions, and strive to achieve a daily coal output of more than 12 million tons.

Third, guide coal prices to return to a reasonable level. Central enterprises should play a leading role in ensuring supply and stabilizing prices, focus on ensuring the people's warm coal needs for winter, sign more medium and long-term contracts, strictly implement the coal prices of medium and long-term contracts, and take the lead in reducing the coal prices traded in the market.

Fourth, further implement the full coverage of medium and long-term coal contracts for power generation and heating enterprises. Contracts that have been connected but have not been finally signed shall be signed as soon as possible, and the price shall be in strict accordance with the published price policy. All contracts shall be included in the scope of credit supervision. Enterprises that fail to perform the contract without reason will be notified or publicized regularly and included in the credit record.

Fifth, promote coal-fired power units to make full use of power. Compact the territorial responsibility and the main responsibility of power enterprises to ensure supply, strengthen the overall allocation of resources, make every effort to ensure the high proportion of thermal power units to start up and high load output, and promote the multiple and full generation of clean energy power generation such as hydropower, nuclear power, wind power and photovoltaic. Scientifically organize the implementation of orderly power consumption, first limit the power consumption of "two high" projects, especially the power consumption of high energy consuming projects with backward production capacity, and resolutely limit the power without switching off and civil use.

Sixth, guarantee the supply and use of gas in strict accordance with the contract. All relevant enterprises shall strictly perform the signed natural gas purchase and sales, terminal use and other contracts to ensure the safe and stable supply of natural gas. All localities should earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of ensuring people's livelihood gas use, ensure full contract coverage of people's livelihood gas use, solidly do a good job in the plan of "suppressing non people and protecting people", and seriously carry out practical exercises to fully protect people's livelihood gas use needs.

Seventh, strengthen energy transportation security. Railway, port and shipping enterprises should strengthen the organization of coal transportation in key areas and key lines, tap the potential, promote the increase of coal transportation, give priority to ensuring the transportation demand of coal for power generation and heating, strengthen the medium and long-term contract supply of low inventory power plants and power coal, and ensure that the produced coal is transported to the place where it is needed in time.

Eighth, strengthen the joint supervision of the futures and spot markets. Focus on investigating abnormal transactions and malicious speculation. All key coal ports should take the initiative to provide illegal clues such as malicious hoarding and bid up prices to the regulatory authorities, restrict their transportation, loading and unloading for transactions that obviously exceed a reasonable level, and spare no effort to maintain the order of the coal market. We will strengthen the penetrating supervision of the futures market, sort out and investigate abnormal transactions, strictly investigate and deal with malicious capital speculation according to law and make it public, effectively maintain market order and create a good capital market environment.

Source: National Development and Reform Commission