Users are fully introduced to the market! What is the impact of electricity price reform?

2021-12-14 打印
Since the second half of this year, there has been a shortage of power supply and demand in many parts of the country. On October 8, the executive meeting of the State Council made clear the arrangement and deployment of power and coal supply this winter and next spring; On October 11, the national development and Reform Commission issued the notice on further deepening the market-oriented reform of on grid electricity price for coal-fired power generation (fgjg [2021] No. 1439, hereinafter referred to as the notice), announcing that all industrial and commercial users have cancelled the catalog sales electricity price that has been implemented for many years.

As early as 2019, In the notice on comprehensively liberalizing the relevant requirements of the power generation and utilization plan for operating power users (fgy [2019] No. 1105), the national development and Reform Commission made it clear that all the power generation and utilization plans for operating power users are liberalized in principle, but there are still a large number of operating power users (industrial and commercial) power users have not entered the market. As a special commodity, the indifference of power consumption experience makes users only sensitive to the actual household price, and power users have even formed the understanding that marketization is equal to reducing the price. With the complete cancellation of the sales price in the catalogue of operating users, users are fully introduced to the market to meet the "can fall and can rise" Market electricity price.

How to understand the electricity price reform policy?

Price is the signal light of the market, the core of the market mechanism and the most sensitive means of regulation. How to understand and grasp the electricity price reform policy? The relevant person in charge of the national development and Reform Commission said that the electricity price reform has played a positive role in alleviating the operating difficulties of coal-fired power enterprises and ensuring the safe and stable supply of electricity.

From the perspective of policy function, the strength is unprecedented and far-reaching. The notice requires orderly promotion of all coal-fired power generation into the market to form a market transaction price. Expanding the floating range of on grid electricity price of coal-fired power plants, canceling the industrial and commercial catalog sales electricity price, and promoting the effective linkage between generation side cost and user side electricity price will play an important role in alleviating the current pressure of power conservation and guiding the construction of power market in the future.

From the perspective of the implementation of power grid enterprises, the responsibility is great and the task is arduous. The circular clearly requires: "all localities should orderly promote all industrial and commercial users to enter the power market, purchase electricity according to the market price, and cancel the sales price of industrial and commercial catalogue." All industrial and commercial users enter the market and put forward new and higher requirements for marketing service content, measurement and collection frequency, electricity settlement efficiency and team ability and quality. In particular, as a new business, agency power purchase has high social attention, and the business operation must be clearer, more transparent and more standardized.

In terms of implementation requirements, time is urgent and urgent. The document of the national development and Reform Commission has been implemented since October 15. The on grid price of coal-fired power generation has been adjusted in a market-oriented manner. Power grid enterprises are actively carrying out agency power purchase. The time is tight and the task is heavy.

On the orderly liberalization of all on grid electricity prices for coal-fired power generation. The policy is clear that in principle, all coal-fired power generation should enter the power market and form the on grid price within the range of "benchmark price + fluctuation" through market transactions. According to statistics, at present, about 70% of China's coal-fired power generation has formed the on grid price by participating in the power market. This reform will promote the remaining 30% of coal-fired power generation to enter the power market.

On expanding the fluctuation range of market transaction electricity price. This policy will further liberalize the floating proportion of on grid electricity price of coal-fired power generation, which will help to give better play to the role of market mechanism, make the electricity price more flexible to reflect the situation of power supply and demand and cost changes, alleviate the current difficult situation of operation of coal-fired power generation enterprises to a certain extent, curb unreasonable power consumption and improve the situation of power supply and demand.

Announcement on the formation of agency power purchase price. The proxy power purchase price of the power grid consists of the average on grid power purchase price, transmission and distribution price (including line loss and policy cross subsidies), auxiliary service fees, funds and surcharges. The proxy power purchase price is calculated by the power grid enterprise on a monthly basis, announced in advance and implemented the next month.

On the connection with time of use tariff policy. In Shanxi and other places where the power spot market operates, it shall be implemented according to the rules of the spot market; Where the spot electricity market does not operate, where the market transaction contract does not declare the power consumption curve, and the peak valley ratio of the market electricity price is lower than the requirements of the local time of use electricity price policy, the terminal price shall be implemented and settled according to the peak valley period and floating ratio of the local time of use electricity price.

On maintaining the stability of electricity prices for residents and agriculture. Electricity for residents (including users of public welfare undertakings such as schools, social welfare institutions and community service centers that implement residents' electricity price) and agriculture shall be guaranteed and supplied by power grid enterprises, and the current sales electricity price level shall remain unchanged.

How do power grid enterprises carry out agency power purchase?

In order to implement the requirements of market-oriented electricity price reform, the general office of the national development and Reform Commission recently issued the notice on matters related to organizing and carrying out power purchase by power grid enterprises, which defined the specific requirements, methods, processes and safeguard measures for power purchase by power grid enterprises. As an important measure to guide users to transition from planned power to market power, power grid enterprises' agent power purchase has attracted extensive attention from all walks of life.

*** The company studied and issued Implementation Measures and service measures, comprehensively implemented the market-oriented reform of electricity price, served power users and power generation enterprises, went all out to ensure safety, power supply, people's livelihood and key points, and promoted the stable operation of economy and society.

Fully implement the market-oriented reform of on grid electricity price for coal-fired power generation. Strictly implement the principle that all coal-fired power generation will enter the power market in principle, and form the on grid price within the range of "benchmark price + fluctuation" through market transaction; Strictly implement the policies that the transaction price of coal-fired power generation market fluctuates up and down by no more than 20% in principle, and the market transaction price of high energy consuming enterprises is not limited by 20%.

Widely carry out agent power purchase and customer notification. For users who do not purchase electricity directly from the power market, the state grid provides agency power purchase services. When selling electricity to agent users for the first time, users shall be notified at least one month in advance. For high-voltage industrial and commercial users of 10kV and above, they will be informed door by door to ensure that users understand relevant policies in time; For low-voltage industrial and commercial users, it will be widely announced through the online national network APP, WeChat official account, power supply business hall, 95598 telephone line and other service channels.

Do a good job in the convenient service of agent power purchase. Relying on the "online state grid" online service platform, improve service functions, enrich service products, provide convenient and efficient policy consultation, contract signing, business handling, electricity bill query and other services for the majority of power purchasing agents, build a 24-hour "one-stop" service platform for power purchasing agents of the State Grid, and vigorously promote online, handheld and fingertip services, Improve user perception and service experience. Smooth the information exchange between "online state grid" and power trading platform, and actively support industrial and commercial users to directly participate in power market transactions.

Strictly publicize the agency power purchase information. Around the agency power purchase business, optimize and adjust the business process and business system, and strictly implement the relevant policies on the disclosure of agency power purchase information. According to the requirements of the competent department, the agency power purchase price shall be announced through online and offline channels such as "online state grid" app and power supply business hall 3 days in advance; Release information related to agency power purchase on a monthly basis; The electricity price details of power purchasing agents shall be clearly listed in the electricity bill of industrial and commercial users.

Ensure the stability of electricity prices for residents and agriculture. resident (including users of public welfare undertakings such as schools, social welfare institutions and community service centers that implement residential electricity price), agricultural electricity is guaranteed by the State Grid, and the current catalog sales electricity price is implemented. After the catalog sales electricity price of industrial and commercial users is cancelled, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the government, in order to ensure the stability of residential and agricultural electricity price, the new profits and losses generated are paid by all industrial and commercial users on a monthly basis Apportion or share.

Do a good job in power market construction and trading services. In order to select new industrial and commercial users who directly participate in market transactions, we will provide services such as market registration, policy interpretation, publicity and implementation, transaction rule training, participation in transactions, etc. Provide platform services for relevant market entities to negotiate transactions and sign contracts. Actively cooperate with the competent government departments to liberalize various power generation plans in an orderly manner, improve the medium and long-term trading rules of power, accelerate the construction of power spot market, strengthen the construction of auxiliary service market, explore the establishment of market-oriented capacity compensation mechanism, and improve the power market system.

The company will give full play to the role of "big country, heavy weapon" and "pillar", practice the enterprise purpose of people's power industry for the people, ensure the smooth implementation of electricity price reform, ensure the safe and reliable supply of electricity, ensure the people's warm winter, and make new and greater contributions to serving the construction of a socialist modern country.