For the first time in the history of the Olympic Games, 100% of all venues use green power

2022-02-15 打印
A wind turbine with a fan blade diameter of 146 meters, which stands in Zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, generates about 24500 kwh per day. After being transported to Beijing through the 666 km long Zhangbei renewable energy flexible DC power grid test demonstration project (hereinafter referred to as "Zhangbei flexible direct" project), it can be used by Shougang ski jumping center to complete all the snow production during the Winter Olympics, Equivalent to 28 meters of snow piled on a standard basketball court.

The Beijing Winter Olympics adheres to the concept of "green, sharing, openness and integrity". ***

Wind power from Zhangbei lights up the Winter Olympics. At the press conference held by the Information Office of the State Council on January 13, Liu Yumin, Minister of planning and construction of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, introduced that during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, all venues will be supplied with green electricity. It is estimated that by the end of the 2022 winter Paralympic Games, the Winter Olympic venues are expected to consume about 400 million kwh of green electricity, which can reduce the combustion of 128000 tons of standard coal and 320000 tons of carbon dioxide.

Green electricity visible

Every green power can be traced and verified

On the Bank of Yongding River, the 164 meter long ski track is like a white ribbon, flying beside four 70 meter high cooling towers. Here is the Shougang ski jump platform, which rose from the former site of Shougang power plant. From February 7, the competition between snowboarding jump platform and Freestyle Ski Jump platform has been carried out successively, resulting in four gold medals.

On the eve of the start of the race, 11 high-power snow making machines were fully powered on, and a gas column gushed out, condensed into snowflakes and fell on the silver covered track.

11500 cubic meters, which is the total snow production of Shougang ski platform during the Winter Olympic Games. "Snow making consumes about 20000 kwh, and race time maintenance and snow mending maintenance consume about 100000 kwh. 100% of this power is supplied by green power, which means burning more than 32 tons of standard coal in the past." State Grid Beijing Power Shijingshan Power Supply Company Manager Zhang Qing said.

Not only Shougang ski platform, but also all 26 venues in the three competition areas used green power during the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. "The State Grid has completed the construction of the Winter Olympic power operation guarantee command center, which has improved the power supply reliability of the competition area to 99.999%, which is the highest standard of all previous winter Olympic Games, and has realized 100% green power supply for all venues for the first time in the history of the Olympic Games." At the press conference held by the Information Office of the State Council on January 19, Peng Huagang, Secretary General of the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, introduced.

Stepping into the Winter Olympic power guarantee service center of the State Grid Corporation of China, on the large screen of the Beijing Winter Olympic power operation guarantee command platform, a colorful map marks the information of important points such as various Winter Olympic venues, converter stations and lines between venues. This "smart brain" built on the former site of Shougang coking plant can realize real-time monitoring and unified regulation of the power operation of venues in the three competition areas of Beijing and Zhangjiakou.

"The command platform can extend to the 'last centimeter' of the power supply at the end of the venue, guard the power equipment of the Winter Olympic venues for 24 hours, sense the operation status of the equipment and the internal and external environment at all times, and guide the venue power team to carry out patrol duty and emergency disposal." Dai Guisheng, deputy director of the Winter Olympics Office of State Grid Beijing electric power company, said. At the same time, State Grid Beijing electric power has also realized the data storage certificate of the whole link of green power in the Winter Olympics, so that each green power can be traced and verified, and provide credible proof for 100% use of green power in the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Green power can be delivered

The transaction volume of green electricity in the Winter Olympic Games is 755 million kwh

In Zhangjiakou, a car shop, windmills stand and paddles dance vigorously on the grassland.

As far as you can see, the wind power tower is coated with the Beijing Winter Olympics emblem and the five Olympic rings. This is one of the green power heads of the Beijing Winter Olympics. In the wind farm in mijiagou village, Dahe Town, Zhangbei County, Yang Yongsheng, deputy manager of multi energy complementary wind power project of Huayuan Power Co., Ltd., is leading the technical team to maintain the equipment and ensure the green power supply for the Winter Olympics.

"The diameter of the fan blade of the wind wheel is 146 meters, and the sweeping area of rotating in the air is more than 16700 square meters, which is equivalent to 2.3 standard football fields." Yang Yongsheng said that when such a typhoon generator set operates at full load, the fan blade generates 4.8 degrees of green power per revolution, and the average daily power generation is about 24500 degrees.

Zhangbei County is 45 kilometers away from the urban area of Zhangjiakou, and the maximum altitude difference between Zhangbei County and the urban area is more than 1000 meters. The wide temperature difference between the high and low leads to strong air convection, making it the main airflow channel for the cold air from the Mongolian Plateau to enter the North China Plain. At present, the installed capacity of renewable energy in Zhangjiakou has reached 23.47 million KW, an increase of about 13 million KW compared with 2015.

In June 2019, the work plan for low carbon management of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games issued by Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee put forward, "Ensure the regular power consumption demand of venues and make full use of renewable energy through the consumption of renewable energy such as photovoltaic and wind power and the cross regional green power trading mechanism applicable to the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, as well as the multi energy complementarity of energy storage system and power electronic equipment".

One time green power can light up the main stage of the award square for 22 seconds and allow chefs to make two dishes in the "all electric kitchen" of the Winter Olympic Village... Behind this, Beijing and Zhangjiakou work together to explore a market-oriented green power supply mechanism to ensure full green power supply during the construction period, test competition period and main competition period of the Winter Olympic venues and ancillary facilities. Since June 2019, Beijing Electric Power Trading Center has organized and carried out 8 batches of green power transactions for the Winter Olympics, with a transaction volume of 755 million kwh.

Stable green power supply

Pumped storage, the surplus electric energy at the trough is transformed into high-quality electric energy at the peak

The iron tower stands close to the mountain, the silver line crosses the forest sea, and a UAV skips the transmission line for high-altitude intelligent inspection.

Yan Chunjiang, deputy director of Beijing Power Equipment Department of State Grid, said that in order to ensure the power supply for the Winter Olympics, Beijing power of State Grid fully deployed UAV patrol inspection, which increased the efficiency of power patrol inspection by more than 8 times and reduced more than half of the on-site operators.

"Mountain to mountain, ditch to ditch, the climate along the line is complex and changeable, and the construction conditions are bad." Lei Weimin, deputy director of the Winter Olympics Office of State Grid Hebei Electric Power Co., Ltd., said that 70% of the lines of the "Zhang Bei Rouzhi" project are located in hills and mountains, with more cold and windy weather. From the commencement of construction in February 2018 to the official production in June 2020, engineers have overcome 12 world problems in the field of large-scale grid connection and consumption of new energy in more than two years, with an annual transmission of 14 billion kwh of green electricity.

"The scenery goes out of Zhangbei, the green power is sent to Beijing, and the supply should be stable." Lei Weimin said that one of the bottlenecks of wind power is the uncertainty of wind, and electric energy itself cannot be stored in large quantities. It may be quiet and windless at the peak of power consumption, or it may coincide with the trough of power consumption. How to cut the peak and fill the valley? Pumped storage power station provides a solution to convert wind energy into water potential.

In Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, Hebei Province, adjacent to Beijing, Fengning pumped storage power station built on the mountain stands between towering peaks and valleys with a height drop of more than 400 meters, connecting the upper and lower reservoirs with a capacity of more than 48 million cubic meters, and was put into operation on December 30, 2021.

"In short, it is' prepare for use when you are busy in your spare time '." Peng Bing, the person in charge of Fengning electromechanical installation bid project of China water resources and hydropower seventh Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., said that during the low power consumption period, the power station uses the remaining electric energy that cannot be consumed to pump water from the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir and convert the electric energy into potential energy of water for storage. During the peak period of power consumption, the altitude drop of more than 400 meters will be used to release water from the upper reservoir to the lower reservoir for power generation. One pumping room and one discharging room can turn the excess electric energy at the trough into high-quality electric energy at the peak.

"The total installed capacity is 3.6 million kilowatts, which is equivalent to assembling a super 'power bank' for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games." Peng Bing said.

Source: Power Grid