The Southern Energy Regulatory Bureau urged to promote the special supervision and rectification of the order of Guangxi electric power medium and long-term trading market

2022-07-20 打印
According to the work deployment of the national energy administration, recently, the Southern Energy Regulatory Bureau interviewed the relevant government departments of Guangxi Autonomous Region, Guangxi Power Grid Corporation and Guangxi electric power trading center, and urged the interviewees to do a good job in the rectification of problems found in the special supervision of the order of Guangxi Electric power medium and long-term trading market.

The meeting informed the NEA of the rectification task arrangement and relevant work requirements, and listened to the report of relevant responsible comrades of relevant government departments and enterprises in Guangxi Autonomous Region on the overall arrangement and implementation of the rectification work. Relevant responsible comrades of the Southern Energy Regulatory Bureau put forward six regulatory requirements on regulating the trading order of the power market: first, deal with the relationship between the government and the market, optimize the allocation of power resources, and give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating energy and power resources. Second, we should strengthen the study of relevant policy documents on the power market, fully understand the spiritual essence of the documents and strictly implement them. Third, we should firmly establish a sense of service, and market operating institutions should provide market trading and scheduling services in a fair and standardized manner. Fourth, we should firmly establish the idea of abiding by laws and regulations and conscientiously abide by the rules of the power market. Fifth, we should carry out investigation and reform, complete the rectification work in accordance with the time limit, draw inferences from one instance and establish a long-term mechanism. Sixth, establish and improve the internal supervision mechanism, promote the integration of Party building and business, and further standardize relevant work from the internal system construction and implementation links.

Next, the Southern Energy Regulatory Bureau will, in accordance with the requirements of the national energy administration, urge relevant departments and enterprises of local governments to do a good job in rectifying problems found in special supervision, and effectively maintain the order of the power market.

Source: Southern regulatory bureau of the National Energy Administration